FACE MAPPING TUTORIAL V2 Previous Version and Intro here This Version Enhances the Total Resolution obtainable from the textures by the use of scaling techniques. Start with the All-In-One Face Texture before it was cut: ![]() After you have Used Lithunwrap to position the verticies over the correct places of the texture (ignoring trying to keep within the box) save the model: ![]() Import the head back into An8 and then detach the face texture. The face is iregularly shaped with a lot of blank space if it were left in this shape. Move all verticies so they line up vertically. Merge faces and then Subdivide a couple of times. This will stretch the importiant image to a full rectangle that can now be saved as a 32x64x8 texture with very little waistage. Comparison Below, Full Usage Top, Waisted Texturespace Red Below: ![]() ![]() Do the same for the back and sides, exporting each to 32x64x8 textures Re-Map the new textures to the face by either using the original face and lith-unwrap or the recangular face with planner projection (after undoing the subdivision) then move the veritcies back to fit the new head shape. import the new obj and textures to PG |